Vendor Selling Report (Inventory >> Reports)
This report shows you what items for a vendor are selling and which ones are not. It is also helpful when negotiating prices with a vendor so you can try to meet your margin goals. This report is most helpful when ran by vendor or department.
This report lists: Item ID, Description, Quantity Sold, Quantity On Hand, Unit Cost, Unit Retail, On Hand Cost, On Hand Retail, Sell Thru Percentage, Margin Percentage, Vendor Item ID, Total Sales, and Total GM $.
Reorder Report (Inventory Reports)
Provides the suggested quantity to reorder based on the On Hand, Reorder Point, and Maximum Stock values that are defined on the Item card. The reorder amount for each item is calculated based on the quantity available and on order compared to the reorder point and maximum stock.
The report lists: Item ID, Description, Quantity On Hand, Quantity On Order, Remaining Backorder Quantities, Reorder Point, Maximum Stock Amount, Reorder Quantity, and Vendor ID.
Just In Time (JIT) Report (Inventory >> Reports)
This report provides inventory information to help you maintain your stock at optimum levels. The report bases its criteria on many factors generated from prior sales periods. You can update your max and reorder stock levels based on info from this report. This procedure is designed for commodity type inventory items, with a consistent sales and reordering pattern.
The report lists: item ID, description, vendor ID, period usage, daily usage, days on hand, lead time, lead units, cycle usage, safety usage, and JIT total max stock.
ROI Report (Return On Investment)(Inventory >> Reports)
This report calculates the annualized return on investment from your inventory. Factors of time, margin and turns are all built in to the calculation of this report. Return on Investment will calculate a percentage that tells you basically the rate a bank would have paid you if the margin earned on your investment was equal to the interest earned on money in the bank.
This report lists: Item ID, Description, Quantity Sold, Margin Value, Average Inventory Quantity, Average Inventory Cost, and Annual ROI. 999.9 will appear if the Return On Investment is unable to calculate, or the result exceeds 999.9. This report is typically run by departments to begin the analysis process.
The formula for calculating the Return On Investment is: Period Margin / Period Days * 365 days / Avg. Inv. $ = ROI.
Merchandise Report (Reports >> Reports)
This report is best used for seasonal or apparel type items. It shows receipts, sales and percentage of item sell through for those items received within the specified period. It is not a total item sell through report as it only computes sell through percentage for items received during that period.
This report lists: Department or Item ID, Received Quantity, Received Dollar Amount, Sold Quantity, Sold Dollar Amount, Sell Thru Percentage, On Hand Quantity, On Hand Dollar Amount, and Description.
Slow Moving Items Report (Inventory >> Reports)
Identifies those items in your inventory that are slow selling (sometimes called turtles, snails, dogs etc). This report allows you to evaluate those items and decide if they should be placed on clearance.
Note: If you specify a very large number for minimum quantity sold you can also utilize this as a Fast Moving Items Report.
This report lists: Item ID, Description, Quantity Sold, On Hand, Cost, Dollars, Retail Value, Sell Thru Percentage, Margin Percentage, and Vendor Item ID.
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